Friday 9 October 2009

Childrens Films and the BBFC.

What is a children's film?

Children's films are specifically aimed at children. Because of this they are often adventure films involving elements of comedy and fantasy. Characters usually fit the conventions required to be easily identified as heroes or villains, and the hero ultimately triumphs over the villian. With children's films, it is common for animation to be used often, and sometimes whole films are animated. Usually CGI techniques allows the films to acheive the element of fantasy that children enjoy. In addition to this, if the film is clearly not real it is less likely to scare children viewing it.

PG Certificate

PG stands for 'Parental guidance'. The film may not be suitable for children under the age of 8. Although children of any age may watch unaccompanied, parents and carers are asked to consider whether the film may affect their child and act accordingly - PG films may upset younger or more sensitive children. Below, a PG certificate image can be seen.

U Certificate

The U stands for Universal. The certificate U means that the film is suitable for all ages without parental guidance - there is no content present in the film which may upset people on any age. However, in recent years ratings and censorship has been relaxed. This has led to many films getting classed as a U, whereas longer ago they would have been at least a PG. Below a U certificate can be seen. This image appears on all films and videos rated as Universal.


The BBFC are a company that award films their respective certificates and determine whether it is appropriate for viewers bellow a certain age. The BBFC has been classifying films since it was setup in 1912, and since the video recordings act, which was passed in 1984, they have classified videos/DVDs as well.

You can view their website by clicking here.

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