Tuesday 13 October 2009



Our narrative will tell the audience that the film will contain elements of mystery, and will follow the conventions of the Fantasy genre. We believe this genre is well suited to children due to our research, which showed that childrens fantasy films are extremely popular in the cinemas. To meet the Genre requirements we may need to use some special effects while editing our film.



These are the 3 genres we have identified as possible options, although each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, while Fantasy films are very popular with children, the special effects required to make an effective opening for one is likely to beyond our skill range. A film we have studied fitting the fantasy genre is Nightmare Before Christmas, and the visuals used back up our previous point.

Comedy/Adventure. A film that fits both these genres is Monsters inc. This film is fully animated, so we will not be able to use the same levels of surrealism in our film. Despite this extensive CGI is not needed as much in Adventure and Comedy films in comparison to Fantasy. However, we will use it as a rough guide for our opening sequence.

Our narrative will tell the audience that the film will be ?, and will follow the conventions of the ? genre. We believe this genre is well suited to children due to our research, which showed that ?. To achieve this we will use a mix of suspense and humor, contrasting the two.


Characters could be introduced in a multitude of ways - we could simply reveal the character straight away, or keep the viewer in suspense by keeping the protagonist's true identity hidden throughout the opening sequence.

Potential characters:
Dave - Schoolboy
Sam - Schoolboy
Mickey - Janitor
Joe - Teacher

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