Monday 9 November 2009

Final Plan

Our final idea is to create a fantasy themed film set in an empty school. Two boys wake up after falling asleep in lesson and find the school deserted. They begin to explore and discover a mysterious trapdoor...

Sam has created a piece of music suitable for the fantasy genre. This will accompany the boys as they explore the school, adding emphasis to important moments within the opening scene. The piece was created after studying music for similar films such as The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Harry Potter films.

We plan to open the credits with empty shots of the school. This will tell the viewer that the area is empty before the characters know it themselves. This will draw the viewer in. In addition to this, the shots will effectively set the scene, giving the viewers a sense of time and place. there will be limited dialogue between characters to heighten the sense of mystery. Who exactly are the characters?

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